
Important Qualities That Every Nurse Should Have

Choosing a career in nursing is a choice made by some of the most selfless people in our society. Nurses constantly put others over themselves to provide quality care. A nursing career is one of the most honorable career paths out there. Here at L.A....

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Staying Effective as a Healthcare Professional

Starting a career in healthcare can be a fulfilling path in life. This position gives you the opportunity to care for others. This can be a noble way to fulfill one’s calling to serve. Here at L.A. SCHOOL NURSING CAREER COLLEGE, we want to help you...

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Time Management Tips for Busy Nursing Students

Nursing students inhabit a whirlwind life, brimming with clinical sessions, rigorous classroom learning, and tending to routine aspects of life. Time, true to its nature, continues to move relentlessly. Consequently, proper time management becomes a ...

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Learn, Lead, and Succeed in Nursing

Embarking on a nursing career can be a transformative journey toward personal and professional fulfillment. Ranked among the most trusted professions, nursing combines medical expertise, empathy, and a spirit of service. If you dream of a career as a...

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Nurses During a Surgical Procedure

The operating room can be a daunting place. All eyes are on you, monitoring and evaluating each and every action you do. Everything you have learned from your training programs are tested, whether you have excelled in theory and/or execution of the s...

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Understanding How Electrocardiogram Works

Knowing at least the general ins and outs of the electrocardiogram or the ECG is a staple for people wanting to get into a nursing career. It is one of the simplest and fastest tests used to evaluate the heart. From the word itself, it uses electrode...

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